Even though Hindi was declared the Rajya-Bhasha of India, after independence it has progressively lost ground to English, especially amongst urban and more educated Indians. Today, while the simple conversational Hindi liberally adulterated with English words, is gaining ground, pure and literary Hindi is slowly getting lost. There are severe implications of this loss on the future of Indian culture as we know it. This issue is too serious to be brushed under the carpet, and lip service alone would not help. Please read this article and see what is at stake

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Love is a great enigma. Young people are washed away with the strength of feelings and emotions that seem to take over ones personality. It is like an acute fever that rises and falls in due course of time. From biological point of view, love and sex are amongst the most powerful natural instincts and as is the case with all instincts, they cannot be understood with a rational mind. Yet instincts so powerful must have a biological justification for their preservation during the course of biological evolution. Read on to get an insight into the phenomenon of love.

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We pray to various Gods. Some times the prayers are answered and some times they remain unanswered. In this article, the mechanism of how prayers are answered, as per the views of “Patanjali Yoga Darshana”, is explained. Please read on as this can benefit you by making your prayers more effective. This article had appeared in the Alliance Air in-flight magazine “Darpan” also. Link to the PDF file of the published article is given at the very end.

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Let us review the age old question. What is right and what is wrong? There is a tendency in most of us to immediately pass moral judgment on any issue. May be we are right, but if we ponder over the issue for some time we realize that all issues can be examined from a variety of view points. This article discusses the evolution of the concept of right and wrong.

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You would have heard that Hinduism is the most liberal religion or religious philosophy. What does it really mean? One reason is its acceptance of multiple routes to ultimate religious goal of Moksha or liberation. Read on.

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